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[律师] 到警察局做口供Attending Police Stations犯了事不要消极等 做好准备工作很重要









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发表于 2014-4-8 15:01:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖发布于 澳大利亚
                Attending Police Stations到警察局做口供
1 u& D, h. A( y4 u+ w6 e, QAttendinga police station to be interviewed by the police can be a very stressfulexperience. 到警察局做口供可能会是一个让人紧张的事情。2 T/ Z9 H; j7 N) \* K# W0 Db
This section of the website has beendesigned to inform you of your rights and answer questions like:) K3 JZ- z9 E( Y5 u* h$ C
我们网站的这部分设计的目的是,解释您的权利,还有警察会问的问题和应该做的回答:v+ W+ K1 k' j' z
Fingerprints Photographs, Medical Examination DNAHow Long Can You Be Held At A Police Station?Should You Be Interviewed By Police?Should You Go In A Line Up?Your Rights
, v2 L. o0 L! E8 w% H8 _) y5 DDoogue O’Brien George has a team ofcriminal lawyers who are highly experienced in dealing with the Police.q# r# p7 s/ H& e! n' X) b. g
0 R! l# P9 o$ f1 Z, W9 k1 CIf you are at all concerned about your interview with the police, call us on 039670 5111.如果您担心您与警察的这次面谈,请致电 9670 5111.There are a number of guidelinesthat we recommend you read before attending a police station – please seebelow:3 g1 D" P8 q6 U1 H( w" k5 R& `
在你到警察局做口供之前,我们建议你读读下面这些指导原则:5 W; {$ t; O4 U, }8 ~% n7 G
6 ^6 |: ~; W4 |8 M3 h) ~, K5 bAsk why you are being arrested你可以问为什么你被逮捕了' M6 [* LY$ Io9 j# ?
Give your name and address你可以给出你的姓名和地址
) Y; P5 s5 y' IAsk the police for a telephone so you can contact Doogue O’Brien George你可以向警察要电话打给杜哥欧布莱恩乔治律师事务所
8 f! Z* c9 y- U( l! ` (it is not an automatic right, but you can request the use of a telephone)(这个权利不会自动给你,你要提出要求使用电话)
0 t% ?% E5 E1 J4 fe- nAsk for bail你可以要求保释+ B) o* T$ C- d2 ]# a" k6 t% y
Be polite要保持礼貌
M: D# R* R3 m/ ?5 _Dress well for the interview as it will be recorded on video去警察局做口供时要穿着好一点,因为会被录像
z; N# N' [- R) ^* T( E/ N- ?
% j5 u$ ^0 X7 K7 B* ]5 P3 hDON’T建议你不要做的9 n1 f9 J: \6 Y* F. o* @
Answer any questions except to give your name and address除了给出姓名和地址,不要回答任何问题。8 C/ Z! z% c* T. }m
(if you are the owner of a car or trailer you must give information which would lead to the driver if you are asked)(如果果你是这辆车或拖车的所有人,并且车辆受到调查,你必须给出当天驾驶人的相关信息)Make any statements in writing: r) Z/ D; A$ K% I( }g1 |
不要书面写任何东西2 E, B' y- I1 T9 k, k4 G
Make any statements in words$ {3 r) X; SJ: O2 c; W
不要说任何事情9 \7 B7 b6 Z6 M0 U0 z& p# j7 p9 U
Sign anything
3 @, w3 t5 y5 z1 }3 Q# @: x% n不要签署任何东西
( u+ o1 `) K( G0 Z5 TPlead guilty to anything unless you have spoken to a solicitor在见律师之前不要承认任何罪行% @5 Z* w; ?% y3 T9 R7 M
(even if they tell you to)(即使是警察要求你这样做)
8 q" D7 W% ^4 _Resist arrest
% x- C" I( O/ Y不要抗拒逮捕
* q" P/ E) ?4 l/ F4 \8 p& RBe abusive or impolite9 p8 l) n& c4 x; |5 A4 o
不要粗鲁或不礼貌( a- \% W0 c& Z' g4 Q5 t9 b: R
' p8 H2 o+ D, z6 f8 ~" U* If you are under 18 years of ageyou must have an adult you trust present.
7 M' P. p# a1 d; @t如果你在18岁以下,你必须有一个你信赖的成年人代表你。, {# I, v9 i6 c1 f0 K2 U6 m
: d( b; n# a* j! e6 E9 p4 W! {
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