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[吃喝玩乐] 请删贴 谢谢!!墨尔本东南区送餐小厨正式开业啦!!









Rank: 2

发表于 2012-11-6 23:27:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 雨琳 于 2012-11-10 14:12 编辑
0 O, J$ c9 E. `( T/ qBu0 w) U: I" M! i; U
; x/ g9 J. `" O" \9 S: ^9 C
% ^" j& f7 L+ o9 R: G" y小厨经营主要服务对象:office职员,,装修队,,学生等等等^^^^^凡是需要吃饭饭的群体们,我们一律打包折扣,包您足不出户,就能品尝所有美味餐食。。职员不耽误您的休息时间,装修员工不耽误您工作时间,学生不误您午休的娱乐,,哈哈 ,,,
+ [; Y! `- }( J
: |9 w, H/ H# R$ N小厨最值得炫耀的chef:来自中国五星级酒店的大厨,珍品海鲜,川菜美味,东北炖菜 包子饺子面………………包括汤类 甜品,饮料,均可送货上门,让您短暂的午休不在为买餐的排队而烦恼,不在因时间不够而没能充分休息,不在因吃不到营养均衡的菜肉鱼蛋而烦闷。# ]! z* C6 `3 ^) G
$ F' ~/ v. e" }" f. o7 e( \
/ x' M! F' `" d5 i$ e& ~/ k/ P) E2 r8 q. [; V+ E; {
小厨的营销方式:如果您是一个下团队,那么好。清晨,请您拨打我们的电话,钦点您需要的午餐类型,您想吃什么,尽管说,我们经营的主要目的就是做您想吃的,节您该省的时间。包括烫,水,及各种饮品。。。中午呢,我们会趁事物热乎之际按时的把餐饮送到您工作的地方。你最好是一个团队,或是几个人一起,这样,我们才能通力合作嘛!0 w+ LL* W: L1 ?
' X, o& J" \, J* j7 b_
小厨的餐食类型: 普通餐食均为 米饭|面条+2荤+一素。。(鱼 蛋,肉,菜全包括哦)价格均在10刀左右的哦7 Z7 Y+ t; a4 Q, j3 q6 X
        单点的餐食我们会以您点的类型给出适当的价格哦。放心,一定会是适当的价格哦。, l* L; [0 I* t2 `( H) U
" I6 l, Z0 F. g! r1 X/ |/ D8 g
小厨的热线联系方式哦:欢迎拨打:0430 661 886。。。。50刀起送餐的哦。
& IM6 e/ L. j
{! S1 c) q9 T3 m$ ^备注:另外我们还有包子,饺子,各种面食饼类的制作,,,价格合理,欢迎预定。9 Q0 q& X0 \+ x6 b/ u" [& }
       转载请注明,信息来自: 澳洲论坛

上一篇:台灣小吃made to order~
下一篇:周五Club( Bright Lights Party)考完试了 放松心情HI HI HI 一起的进








Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2012-11-10 09:51:00 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 vipcc 于 2012-11-10 11:11 编辑 ' T0 i, Y! ?$ J+ P. e' U
雨琳 发表于 2012-11-7 00:27 , H9 M5 _: ~4 c8 e6 p
属于墨尔本的自家小厨正式开业啦!& D9 H" O" P5 D
$ O4 g6 B, H$ x|6 q
小厨经营主要 ...
( _$ X4 G, K0 I0 ]% K$ k没有食品卫生资格认证就敢卖食品. 缺少政府管理监察的家庭厨房在澳洲是违法的!  立刻举报你的联系方式,地址 !( k+ e# f/ s, M+ x6 g8 }
4 m, G2 u# }) O2 k
你的广告销售模式已经 breached Food safety laws了,Food safety, Local council和警察会来调查你的! 广告地址截图留证 !, q& ]: B5 U0 R, N6 H0 w
/ p: X3 K1 I& q$ L' Q# c) d/ f" A: j. |! k4 Q9 H4 |
What is a Food Safety Supervisor?
% ?+ k4 M% N# i5 \A Food Safety Supervisor is a person who:- K, y' L% `; C& E/ |9 a- f2 y1 p( S
~ holds an FSS certificate that is no more than five
* u- W7 r' f0 K" j# vyears old, and
( x. o2 H% @s* d7 S0 [1 w/ l~ is not an FSS for any other food premises or any % X5 h; E$ n1 V" Y
other mobile catering business, and
, f/ |1 |- @0 Q; B+ ~~ has the authority to supervise other people handling + Z/ P! s$ ^( K. O, k
food and to ensure that the handling is done safely.0 b: W2 r6 E3 c4 E2 v
A person holding an FSS certificate will know how to " J1 d7 C: Q" V# J
recognise, prevent and alleviate the hazards associated
" _+ E6 E$ @; k- N7 n8 ~with the handling of food.
, r) T8 o1 |) L1 [; O& o6 O* X^4 L- x
& ?5 jt7 e9 G
Food safety requirements
, @; c+ U" e, I) U" w
! a; ^& J5 m$ Q1 XThere are several requirements which food businesses must undertake. These include food businesses:
, {Q0 |" E$ m. t( S9 u! c$ ~4 @8 @' u1 f" ?+ I
notifying the local and state government of the operation of a food business,3 D* C% `. a; @! J
nominating a food safety supervisor,) P0 G2 V% G/ u( w4 |
implementing a food safety program, and8 K: QY& Q% b: ]9 B9 n7 J( r
allowing inspections of food and premises by qualified environmental health inspectors.+ p* S0 m3 p2 J* [
Local council health inspectors may report a food business for unsafe food premises or procedures and have it listed on the Food Authority “Name and Shame” register. All staff who work in a hospitality business must be aware of their individual food handling obligations to keep food safe and protect it from contamination.4 o# sR2 h8 g* Y
, c4 [- Y+ a. d$ T6 LFood notifications: x9 U- V% q9 b% W% }2 f% B6 U$ d
# \: U1 p& F4 k/ l2 v& L" z
All food businesses must notify the Food Authority of their food business and complete a “Food Business Notification”. The Food Authority issues a food business reference number and maintains a register of all active food businesses in. Registering a food business to operate is a requirement under the national food safety standards and there are fines for business owners for not complying.( z: I- T1 h: B
?+ F+ |. M1 k) \M( JAll food businesses must also comply with the relevant food standards and food act and regulations.+ K- m6 e) {7 z! ~) _( M* g
+ {! c! R2 t1 f* b7 ^8 XSome high risk businesses also need to apply for an additional Food Authority licence, such as those processing meat or seafood.7 y4 M. D0 @% d
' W* v, n( L+ W6 W# M3 m+ WFood safety supervisor% E5 X3 e: b/ \; @8 Z% l7 ^; f
( H( T3 D3 x% L0 g5 MEach business serving and retailing food which is:
1 w& z9 y2 C$ h& R5 ]0 c5 c9 ]# j_
ready to eat
6 h& D8 H% p/ I: Mpotentially hazardous, and
" A1 ^. j3 }! n" H& n3 |( Snot sold and served in its package+ p3 Y! _+ T1 Z2 y" F# |
must nominate a qualified food safety supervisor.3 N8 `2 C* l% ^O% Z9 `
+ X7 W9 F9 g/ z# ~. s" B/ [" u7 u' MThis includes restaurants, cafés, takeaway shops, caterers, bakeries, pubs, clubs, hotels, temporary premises (e.g. food market stalls), mobile food vendor, supermarket hot food sales and accommodation venues.0 YY, @+ t1 _]O9 W0 n
) [- }0 g( w$ Z+ @' t
The food safety supervisor is the person in the business who has completed specific training and is qualified with the skills and knowledge to handle food safely. The food safety supervisor has the authority to implement and supervise appropriate food safety procedures. All staff should be trained by the food safety supervisor to follow the procedures and routines which keep food safe within that business.
8 O. h6 U8 K0 {! w
; c% e\# E2 S" O; GHealth inspections
' X& v9 h0 c' w, x1 V2 P! P/ n
`3 ?# n: M3 _7 |! nFood safety standards, laws and regulations are enforced by the state or local government. A food business can be inspected by an Environmental Health Officer (EHO) at any time. Environmental Health Officers can audit the business’ food safety plan, inspect food processes and premises, collect samples of food for testing and issue penalty infringement notices. If a business fails to comply with the findings and requests for improvement or repairs, an officer can order the business to stop preparing and selling food.D; F2 i3 e3 P% d5 [
! h' o% t6 D4 B' J( O9 t4 R5 y5 t“Name and Shame” register$ c1 W. G# E* Oh1 C3 \4 W
C5 `( ^2 G" f2 T+ q8 r5 VThe Food Authority publishes lists of businesses that have breached or are alleged to have breached Food safety laws. Businesses or individuals are included on the Food Authority “Name and Shame’ register if they have been issued with a penalty notice by a local council or food authority environmental health officer for an alleged food safety offence. The business remains identified on this list for twelve months.0 }$ L8 e3 i) g0 i( c7 [
3 N% p( AM, ?! d% I% `3 M
Food safety program& g* B, V. V# h$ O& @' p
5 D, e2 [9 U6 U; m
Businesses which offer food for sale should develop a food safety program. This documented plan and program outlines the practices and procedures which each business will adopt to ensure the food is handled in a safe manner.
5 _9 ~0 ?: G4 l( `/ K
4 m, n5 Z* f* z( `Most food safety plans adopt the H.A.C.C.P. (acronym for Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point ) principles which are a system of identifying and controlling hazards and critical points of control, following the food items through the food production and preparation processes. Each food safety program must be adapted to fit the individual business operation, products, and market requirements, and to ensure all potential food safety hazards are identified and controlled.
$ z2 g" Y6 C) }9 T* a. }- D, X8 m) S, P0 f8 d& z3 |% w. K7 |! F( {
Not all businesses are required to have a food safety plan which follows the twelve steps of a H.A.C.C.P based program, but all businesses must have a program with a series of steps or activities, which are implemented to ensure that safe food practices are followed.' ~. E3 V: ?$ m6 v2 N
5 Y$ I! N) K$ R
2012-11-10 10:04  
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3 F- r3 OB, C7 B" H: |
2012-11-10 10:09  
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1 q. O; G5 V# B2 F, _9 bv
0 VO1 z; B$ q$ q+ z4 ^/ f5 y2 Qi! D
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