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[培训教育] "职友" 工作机会指导,求职经验传授,面试技巧讲解,简历润色修改









Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-4-23 21:28:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 yukittymay 于 2013-8-15 10:32 编辑 ; |, J% q! k8 H2 T8 W* ]8 V! ~
4 G; P; y5 N. C2 e1 E3 s   就业形势正在回暖,如果您想换份工作或者正要起步事业,或者只是在校生考虑以后的发展,“职友”可以从以下几个方面帮助您:
& U5 {7 Z8 e. F5 M# ?" a1.测评您的职业能力,找到合适的就职领域。5 W" c& ~0 U0 e2 u& U5 N
2.工作信息的获取途径。我这里有非常丰富的各种资源,包括多种行业应该考虑的求职网站,如何通过networking获得宝贵的推荐,如何做cold calling取得您中意公司的隐藏信息,市面上有哪些比较可靠的消息来源等。
+ K2 t: m$ h; X% d9 [$ X3 u3.如何写online application, 简历和cover letter。我也提供面对面修改的服务(按信息咨询收费)。6 n; M6 i( t: z& h- T
4.如何应对各种各样的面试,包括Onetest online assessment, phone interview, group interview, assessment centre, personal interview.9 z& f) _( u& n; \* i" K) Y, G
5.如何找到合适的referenee.3 C, ~% [: C6 [" B- UR
9 W! v# h$ R3 t# n) u* u6 \/ C7.优先提供少量工作机会信息 (过去的部分工作机会发布在第二楼起,‘职友’客户将第一时间获得全部信息。‘职友’并非中介,所以可以提供的工作机会非常有限,敬请谅解!)
* W$ Q$ h9 B4 u/ ?c等等
: {0 h8 M: X, |) m" |7 W9 p
1 s1 E" n0 h& Q首先申明,我不是任何形式的中介,所以不会将您的信息提供给任何employer。如需此项服务,论坛里有很多别家的职业中介,敬请选择。我只是一名找过工作,做过很多工作的人。我在这方面的知识来源于本人多次找工作和面试别人的实践,University of Melbourne 和其他几所大学的career centre,社区的各种职业机构,网上的信息。只要有机会,我就会去参加形形色色相关的workshop和seminar。现在我意识到,我可以利用我成功的经验和失败的教训来帮助更多的人,也可以认识更多在找工作的朋友,大家可以共享宝贵的信息!/ @& Qv( w9 G1 YM) o
- X! o$ X; f/ c1 A' Y+ m. g
我的英语还算过得去,考雅思没下过7(单项),essay从来都是班上第一名(有成绩单为证);在墨尔本做过store manager, technology sales和超市cashier 多年。所以笔头和口头的功夫还是可以帮到很多朋友的。目前的工作是某大型电信企业(澳大利亚 top 10 company)的 graduate program.5 |0 L* [/ [$ w* ]( J) F! ?2 k
$ }2 i( s. j4 b4 v9 w
' W3 S8 R7 o& q信息咨询 $30/20mins,(含相应电子资料),前5分钟免费。可提供座机电话,通话费自理。也可面谈,咨询费一致,油费自理。0 d/ T" o, b$ i0 E, g$ {1 q$ u+ q, R1 [
% ^8 C- y& ]u! R
8 @5 A6 A9 j1 W; kQ0 V+ t工作机会信息 对‘职友’所有客户免费。请注意, 过去的部分工作机会发布在第二楼,‘职友’客户将第一时间获得全部信息。‘职友’并非中介,所以可以提供的工作机会非常有限,敬请谅解!; Y1 E! [6 m0 p/ G
/ n; @9 |. X; u( ~* c
简历/cover letter修改建议请注意,“职友”不提供撰写文档的服务,只根据您的原稿提供修改意见。您可以选择书面修改,每页原稿$50; 您也可以选择在信息咨询的session中接受修改意见,信息量更大,更互动,收费同信息咨询一致。9 l1 {7 L9 ^9 X( Y+ f0 R
; |# n& p: ~: P/ m5 N' d# x每位“职友”客户都将获赠免费与话题相关的电子、纸质资料若干。
1 J; ^: f2 P1 m* U* T. a4 S- Y6 z( N0 P7 E* L$ |5 C
6 O6 i- Q" w9 p( K
5 x) qC! w0 K: o
时间: 信息咨询在尊重客户方便的基础上,双方提前协议好。文档工作一周内完成。2 v" Y: b# n% o% m
$ ]0 {+ ee% L& w联系方式:QQ 59336781 身份验证请写“求职” 手机:0425810081 邮箱:[email protected] ^" t7 E7 r8 e- K) s/ X- {" q* h
# G+ K$ V0 w$ h% _5 L+ J. t
# M% P6 Z; r* O+ u# ~联系我时请说明是在亿忆论坛看到的,谢谢!
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-4-24 09:44:00 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 yukittymay 于 2012-6-13 11:17 编辑
& j3 r, `' s9 D
( h$ q* Q! U. x7 m' e最新工作机会发布区6 r1 q! x& `, X- A, U; S+ E/ x
) e1 n% ^, x2 {! w" k2 `+ J6 ~
12/06/2012Paid Research Opportunity:
" b$ k9 S* R) t, Q: I1 p2 M8 O; k, U& B- ]
要求Males and females, aged 35-65 years,currently working full-time in the IT industry / ]- h( M, b, e: `
工作机会简述:to participate in world first study in Melbourne- {! _?8 l9 r3 Hq
, ^5 ho/ C' P: ]
background: Too much sitting - a predominant feature of most adults day - is now recognized as a risk factor for early death and heart disease irrespective of how much time is spent in purposeful exercise. So where do adults spend the most time sitting? Here's a hint for you: it is not in front of the TV after a day at the office, it's actually at the office! IT workers are a unique occupational group that can spend anywhere from 8, 9 or more hours a day sitting at work in front of the computer or talking on the phone.# U4 f) H) h$ K" q* I8 a
, [t3 s; l3 W' v; s- FThe Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute is looking for IT employees who are typically desk-bound (sit >4 hours/day) and who have some flexibility in where they can work (i.e able to work remotely from a computer) to participate in a study looking at whether standing during the work day (using electric, height-adjustable work stations) is beneficial to blood lipid and glucose levels compared to sitting all day at work.! I9 B+ L: R2 I
" B+ j4 n0 U$ ]7 E8 A7 d0 Z2 D# Njob description: You will be required to attend our research centre (located on Commercial Road, Melbourne Vic 3004) and work in a private office that has been fitted with a height adjustable desk for a total of 10 workdays (Monday - Friday) over a three week period. During this time, you will have to provide blood samples (on four mornings) and undergo energy expenditure tests (on two mornings).
: a% M$ s' p" u" g# z. m2 k8 K: {; h8 K# z[* T2 G! Y, P
Free car parking and meals will be provided and you will be reimbursed for your time at the end of the study ($360).
: b- Z" b5 e, B. s& A% e& o. c$ h1 ~1 [
To find out more information about this role, please contact Louise Hammond on 8532 1872 or [email protected](这是这个研究机构的联系方式,与‘职友’没有任何关系,‘职友’也无法提供关于此工作的更多细节)* }9 g& t7 X, M* A/ x8 l
0 F& A0 T/ j9 F: _- C
13/06 National ICT Careers Week 2012 The annual National ICT Careers Week will be running across Australia from 23 - 29 July 2012 with over 100 events and activities being presented by businesses, educational institutions, government agencies, industry bodies, women's groups and professional bodies.8 v1 @( m% Y& a2 ?
1 u: S4 G0 L# zThe National ICT Careers Week supporters are:& O6 e5 K% k; Z& c
2 @' W+ \" B1 H! BAustralian Computer Society (ACS)8 Z/ @; g- l& v
Australian Information Industry Association (AIIA)
8 ]9 Y; M4 h: S, o5 ~Australian Computer Society Foundation (ACSF)' Q: W4 l) D( o9 b# m7 q
AGIMO, Department of Finance (AGIMO), J; u$ x- U# M7 n
Australian Council of Deans of Information and Communications Technology (ACDICT)! T/ T& O2 Q" R
TAFE Directors' Association (TDA) 6 F; E- C- w' l* |: H
# Q7 |; I: b8 p( Q
8 v/ H$ \; _: ~4 H5 C2 JClick for list of
6 j. a2 g8 V- @D: g! @Events and Activities to be presented
0 `2 y3 H. d" S( [; v4 Nas part of ICT Careers Weekw1 n0 [6 Z/ `* ?- P# J
* T2 ~! U; g- u) j
Click for more information
; T: C6 [' O* ^. J! Yabout National7 n1 J/ P$ [2 V: R( G! j8 P
ICT Careers Week* {! z( X8 S4 P- E6 q# w+ m; Q
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-4-24 12:12:00 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 yukittymay 于 2012-6-20 09:18 编辑 ; O# h$ @3 E/ p' O8 p% W
" `& ~# U3 `8 x& g! }
Sales Assistant , Coburg VIC 3058 , $20 to $22
/ a- J: k0 E* C) L6 `( A. TPosted 6 days 1 hour ago (13/06/2012)
! X; Z1 z- M* m, CCoburg Location Casual hours across a 7 day roster $21.80 per hour Chandler Macleod has recently teamed with Coles Supermarkets to open and manage a number ...
: w8 v! v7 v$ ~4 W. {8 [, xU+ z! Y; m( B: I
Sales Assistant , Malvern VIC 3144 C/ x: x; u0 A& _- s
Posted 5 days 2 hours ago (13/06/2012)
0 N" D/ g4 \; B, jTSales Assistant The Bedspread Shop Sales Assistant The Bedspread Shop Part Time/ Casual Sales Assistant Iconic Homewares store needs new staff member ..., ~! i& {% P^) ]) d; f

. f: j: U6 V) s; x9 v# NSales Assistant /Manager Fashion - Great Company & career - Epping , Epping VIC 3076 , $17 to $26
' g, J/ l, m' V" c1 vPosted 62 days 16 hours ago (17/04/2012) 6 L: G9 U" W' Z: U
About Us Specialising in sterling silver, Magnolia strives to create a product as unique as each individual customer. 25 designers from around the world ...
7 X4 S/ [# s$ w# {4 f! v6 P
, C" Z2 O# F& ~6 y: v; }Sales Assistant - Retail , Port Melbourne VIC 3207
( k2 E7 j; e1 E3 nPosted 13 days 14 hours ago (5/06/2012) 7 y) v8 A# W+ W1 ^; {5 I$ T8 W$ H
Gun Salesperson Foot In The Door Great salary Exciting opportunity to join an award winning supplier of equipment to the film and television industry. An ... 9 R( E; C" N4 m; T, q# @
7 k( l# m0 L: Z9 ^0 O$ lSales Assistant positions available - Berwick South , Berwick VIC 3806 , $21 to $22
/ O% ^1 o' L. t1 V: vPosted 14 days 15 hours ago (4/06/2012)
% z5 O, P' C, W- h8 ~15-25 hours per week 7 day roster (including weekends and late night trade) Berwick South location Chandler Macleod has recently teamed with Coles Supermarkets ...! V( y% O, Q- \' S% N2 h

, [# p9 l* V$ \- fvSales Assistant - Retail , Port Melbourne VIC 3207 " }9 r. |! M% A7 ]1 S
Posted 13 days 14 hours ago (5/06/2012)
4 I6 b2 Q% f. rGun Salesperson Foot In The Door Great salary Exciting opportunity to join an award winning supplier of equipment to the film and television industry. An ...
) u; x- f5 Y% i
. Z9 i4 q- Y$ b% Y& P; D4 WFull Time Sales Assistant Position - Berwick North , Berwick VIC 3806
8 ~4 Z4 j# p& yPosted 5 days 11 hours ago (13/06/2012)
4 t" Y) eI8 O6 F38 hours per week 7 day roster (including weekends and late night trade $17.46 per hour + penalities, overtime and commission Chandler Macleod has recently ...3 L7 W. C% K) t7 \+ q

2 X2 e7 a# D) u- ?9 c2 ]Assistant Store Manager - Sunshine , Sunshine VIC 3020 , $43,000 to $45,000 - R& H4 M' G4 m4 @
Posted 11 days 17 hours ago (7/06/2012)
, j9 p" o8 y) x0 X# d1 c/ ?' ?, v, zThe Reject Shop has a great opportunity for an Assistant Store Manager in our Sunshine store. Reporting to the Store Manager, you will be responsible for ...: `5 P% i3 Q9 ~/ z% A) @

/ Z* b' N8 ]/ J- A; H# a0 `Assistant Store Manager - Plenty Valley , Mill Park VIC 3752 , $43,000 to $45,000
5 g' @+ i1 ~, P0 z; B4 B, gPosted 12 days 12 hours ago (6/06/2012) # B) O. e: W' l( S
The Reject Shop has a great opportunity for an Assistant Store Manager in our Plenty Valley store. Reporting to the Store Manager, you will be responsible ...
1 j; n5 \2 y9 M 2 v+ [* T% g! I
SHOP ASSISTANT , Glen Waverley VIC 3150
3 O6 L, T8 E3 uPosted 4 days 9 hours ago (14/06/2012)
) j$ y4 q- m: F& @8 p; c7 T8 G/ \FULL TIME POSITION We are currently seeking to employ someone for our busy Glen Waverley bakery.The succsesful applicant will be required to carry out ... % J$ M4 Q( @6 O( v$ W
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-4-24 14:01:00 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 yukittymay 于 2012-7-27 10:40 编辑
' |, Z4 k( C" ]- w) _& a
# j2 Fo/ n, x9 }. _; p; x- j% `9 j27/07 8 C$ {% k3 ~% H1 c& E& e( ]6 s( kN
Retail Assistant Manager | Fashion | Hig Pace Outlet , Essendon VIC 3040
9 L0 F$ c. F5 RPosted 5 days 11 hours ago (21/07/2012) & N/ `) x# T# G5 _8 |" u' Z1 Y
The Brands You Know and Love Stable and secure working environment Inner West LocationThis retailer is technically high volume - but we are looking for ...
# ]" b' p0 u6 K! X
7 r* J, C- ^1 `9 K" qAssistant Store Manager , Chirnside Park VIC 3116 / [* v4 b6 u* W4 ~1 g0 U1 a# g9 o
Posted 2 days 23 hours ago (23/07/2012) ; o4 n9 l4 z, o7 W3 T0 o
Assistant Store Manager Angus & Coote Assistant Store Manager Chirnside Park Shop 510 Level 1 Chirnside Shopping Centre Generous Employee Discounts National ...
" k! C( v( o7 {# M6 Z. t; O5 y& g( F2 a& q3 e% t6 S
Posted 4 days 22 hours ago (21/07/2012)
* t0 Z4 e. I1 C. o% r* HSTORE MANAGER Charters Towers STORE MANAGER Charters Towers An exciting opportunity has become available for an experienced Manager to join our team! We ... 9 y$ v! ?Zj1 U4 j# K
. O" F8 M4 P' L9 n2 _SHOP ASSISTANT , Bonbeach VIC 3196
d$ i/ r2 w% E- }0 y7 A4 M- B& TPosted 2 days 23 hours ago (23/07/2012) 3 D: ?3 {& V8 G5 }# [0 H+ F
SHOP ASSISTANT SHOP ASSISTANT Fusion Living, a beautiful home decor & accessories shop, is opening in Westfield Southland in mid-August. We are hiring ...6 f3 ^( O# y8 o4 [

! E3 d, C8 fiAssistant Store Manager | Prestigious| The home of innovation and simplicity , Melbourne VIC 3000 0 l. l/ k8 L3 |3 d# T6 \- t
Posted 3 days 10 hours ago (23/07/2012)
$ gW" [8 s. b9 Ne$47,000 + Super Premium shopping environment Career growth and development Store Manager / Boutique Manager! $47K BASE SALARY PLUSBONUSES PLUS SUPER ... $ P1 y: y`% g$ i1 X
& o9 d; E3 @& b% }5 V$ @SHOP ASSISTANT , Boronia VIC 3155 _: K/ e. b* w0 ]
Posted 1 day 23 hours ago (24/07/2012)
. [$ q2 S" K% J. ^$ fSHOP ASSISTANT Required in Alternative Health W/driver's licence & car. F/T. Must be reliable ...
, I3 j0 P# I" H) z
, l) s' \P0 j4 kSubway Store Manager , Melbourne VIC 3037 ! u, v- g, I5 g2 G3 N* q
Posted 2 days 10 hours ago (24/07/2012) # u6 f# x, {" |' ?8 ?' q5 C2 a
Subway Store Manager      Subway - the largest single-brand restaurant chain globally Hands-on role in a fast paced workplace - results driven ... 0 Q9 V2 G+ L$ a1 E# N1 ?* [; Q% Y
' e& [7 _9 @& }; H& `7 H6 }! {
Assistant Store Manager South/East LOCATION! , Melbourne VIC 3000
. h* |/ G# s( xPosted 6 days 12 hours ago (20/07/2012) - ~) J- I8 s9 G' B% N5 b
Fantastic, fresh and fruity Opportunity! Develop your management style now! South East! Innovative company! This hospitality retailer always has their ...
, d- F8 ]" B+ N! h4 ?3 d* K4 ^4 F% _, n' b% B
Showroom Sales Consultant , Ringwood VIC 3134 % w$ ?! i" J$ dO6 V% P& d) j
Posted 1 day 14 hours ago (25/07/2012)
# p' L$ e9 Q2 SWe’re Victoria’s most progressive plumbing, kitchen and bathroom supply company, continuing to enjoy strong growth, building on a network of branches and ...
?" x1 n+ f( H5 G: [
. C# n( n7 w* [, A: DNetwork Engineer - VMWare & Windows 2008 , 3000 VIC , $75,000 to $85,000
0 W. {& T+ m: tPosted 2 days 8 hours ago (24/07/2012) 8 j0 x& w6 v6 z; y/ u0 F7 l
Established over 10 years ago, our client is a thriving boutique consultancy, whose consistent high levels of service & delivery have resulted in long ...2 i5 V" R/ N/ Z6 \+ B
3 g% x7 B# P+ T3 q! t3 h
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-4-25 11:06:00 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 yukittymay 于 2012-8-6 14:00 编辑 + Xi/ N5 K, x* h0 q+ g
' e, {& d1 x, g( z( V
Telstra is offering a 10 week program from late November 2012 to mid February 2013 (with time off for those Christmas and New Year’s holidays of course!) with positions available in Melbourne and Sydney. They’ll gain real exposure to the corporate world and get hands-on experience by working on exciting projects and seeing what Telstra is really all about.* {4 W; qF! jx$ S9 g

# \# e- P6 j+ d4 ^' eThey’re looking for penultimate year students studying any of the below disciplines:# f! {" r2 M& F% c* f; z3 m3 V* E
? Information Technology$ E. j* p) w! ?3 X3 L; c" t
? Accounting & Finance
- n% LL$ U! b3 ^* [% ^? Business & Commerce 0 N3 pK# `5 l' m+ b- u
? HR
8 C6 [% j" BB1 F, T% m+ M? Engineering3 m) s' x. ^: z
? E-Commerce/Digital Marketing0 I) U# E. p/ ?. Q- p; R4 h1 @- R* q
? Arts (Creative Design/Digital Design)
9 H/ F: q9 f# g4 Q8 l4 }4 P/ \This is a fantastic opportunity to get their foot in the door, earn money over Christmas and get that chance to fast track their application to our 2014 Graduate Program!0 T6 Y& h2 T( g9 [- S" c
Applications close at 5pm on Tuesday 28th August – make sure they apply and don't miss out!
j0 R6 M4 |" m6 _l9 sThey can find out more information and apply through the below link:
: a6 ^" W7 \. \0 hhttp://careersearch.telstra.com/jobDetails.asp?sJobIDs=532367&skeywords=&lworktypeid=&llocationid=&sjobno=&lcategoryid=651&stp=AW&sLanguage=en
8 w3 W, ~' C/ v& Y8 ]
% c1 E: P! Q9 J# p7 s6 H
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-4-25 12:55:00 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 yukittymay 于 2012-8-17 11:51 编辑
; K1 p4 q) p: H7 {' t; ]9 h! g( z2 s( ^. }8 ^: k
17/08 Retail 工作更新
/ L4 E* z; d6 l; X
$ g* M6 c1 v7 J7 X' [! kAssistant Store Manager Collins St | Premium and Timeless Fashion , Melbourne VIC 3000
$ _) A( S) k! l& [9 b4 \0 `$ JPosted 4 days 2 hours ago (12/08/2012)
5 T5 S% W4 t' f9 M[) l' s40% discount across all brands Potential to earn 20% bonus Grow your retail career What's on offer: A competitive salary of $39,000 Super Bonus program ... 0 l/ P( H* K6 n: S( l
) P$ ?$ K' Y- _Store Manager - Passionate About People? , Melbourne (CBD & Inner Suburbs) , $50,000 to $55,000
# f" w' q+ o4 D4 T* _; tPosted 2 days 22 hours ago (14/08/2012)
! u! H( \9 D) m$ @Surround yourself with a product mix that covers all, from the delicately flirty through to the sublimely sexy, in this sensational Store Management position ... ) w6 w- d# R+ N3 I
5 N/ U# j3 m/ n
Classically Cool, Passionately Preppy Fashion Retail Store Manager Chadstone , Chadstone VIC 3148
7 c. W6 Y! O" R0 X" f& b~Posted 4 days 13 hours ago (12/08/2012)
8 o4 Y6 c$ S9 \+ sFashion Sporting Elegance & Preppy Styling Based at THE Fashion Capital Chadstone Learn everything there is to know about retail in this roleThis is ...
. b0 I5 X2 f# L* E' c8 h2 d4 R: |* H! w. X3 B3 i6 B* Z) \3 ]
Retail Sales Assistant , Knox City Centre VIC 3152 4 d( W; M! j" P% ]
Posted 6 days 10 hours ago (10/08/2012)
5 ye7 [7 j# P3 lPOpportunity for experienced retail sales staff to sell popular Global Shop Direct 'As Seen on TV' products. Initial 4 week trial with potential to extend ...9 k# D! h" U9 l
2 Y& n; E# oy. e' @8 k3 {
' _/ Q" M2 ?* x, E! y! _6 MPosted 2 days 23 hours ago (13/08/2012)
- |* M' a; j* _S1 k2 ECOFFEE SHOP ASSISTANT Coffee making exp & car essential. School hours ...
! H! m8 b/ Z1 JT; _3 N2 _+ DSales Assistant Role at Coles Mobile , Melbourne (CBD & Inner Suburbs) , $20 to $23 2 \* A3 H\% E" U; i
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Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2010-4-25 13:25:00 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 yukittymay 于 2012-8-24 10:00 编辑 * H6 S2 Z9 e- k' R9 R; e4 J
0 ?6 T5 J9 E% d6 Y4 w
24/8 Retail/Manager工作更新
4 r1 g1 R4 X- v. r: GStore Manager , Preston VIC 3072 , $60,000 to $70,000
( P4 E' G# y9 u% d; w% r4 t; V! hPosted 6 days 4 hours ago (17/08/2012) # q4 c& v# S; e
Store Manager Preston Rapidly Growing Business! Great, Career Opportunity!Excellent Salary $60,000 - $70,000 + Super + Excellent Bonus Opportunity!Best ...
1 M5 P# a% a0 k: b, Av' h7 h+ B$ b
Store Manager | Chadstone | Stylish International Fashion , Chadstone VIC 3148 0 O% X# m: O3 j. ]0 s, ?" v
Posted 3 days 13 hours ago (20/08/2012)
! o7 C% Q, k7 R# i# p! OlAwesome Bonus Program! 40% Discount Chadstone LocationLeading global lifestyle brand has locations in over 150 countries around the world. The products ... 7 ^# ^" \- H7 E2 H
& c* K; S5 D3 n& l/ ~9 tW
Hospitality Store Manager Position Available , Melbourne VIC 3000
" _- o% a`/ H" zPosted 6 days 3 hours ago (17/08/2012)
B: ]) y" f' b; I8 K; [South East Location Management Opportunity Reputable Company This company is well established and is reputable for providingtheir staff with great career ... + n0 T) ]) S: F; }& @; C( `/ x
}' U4 v2 e# c! W" l$ mRETAIL ASSISTANT - COSMETICS , Melbourne VIC 3000 " ?8 k3 {0 R- {- n
Posted 2 days 23 hours ago (20/08/2012)
1 q1 W9 T) h) P1 s' o3 O6 ?RETAIL ASSISTANT - COSMETICS RETAIL ASSISTANT - COSMETICS Are you passionate about customer service, have excellent communication skills and have a caring ...
6 b( ]' e$ Q@& b, U# ^( w
- s- M7 Z4 R- U! C8 g4 ^Assistant Store Manager , Melbourne (Western Suburbs)
; i& J- }Ve4 `Posted 6 days 22 hours ago (17/08/2012)
2 V6 K/ A9 h0 }' b. j: eThis Australian retail business with stores nationwide are STILL opening new stores AND their five year growth plan will ensure they remain the leaders .../ g0 q$ j8 `, Q
# Y+ L! z6 J8 W6 D1 A2 `" {
Retail Assistant Manager/ 2IC - Essendon Outlet , Melbourne VIC 3041
0 tF$ d! }" Q5 I' ]" z& r# \Posted 6 days 4 hours ago (17/08/2012) ! m; V" k" V1 s6 C. ^
About Quiksilver: Quiksilver awakens the spirit of surfing in everyone.When you work for Quiksilver you are encouraged and supported in your c areer ... 0 H4 c4 ^3 t3 _! [: L, m
7 ]" H9 x, Z% {- oFashion Store Manager - Chapel St , South Yarra VIC 3141 , $43,000 to $45,000 ) l5 y* P' @0 U+ K9 Y. K+ _1 X2 w$ u
Posted 6 days 13 hours ago (17/08/2012) 2 _# V" _, w5 m1 P. h! H; _/ ]
National retailer with a rewarding and supportive culture Clothing allowance, amazing product discount for you AND your immediate family Please call Merryn ...
" b* p% _$ l' h2 i
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发表于 2010-4-25 21:15:00 | 显示全部楼层
现在是找工作的好时机 大家不要错过!
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